

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Privacy Concern? Our Ads are now watching us #Optimeyes

Advertising is an essential part of business.  It does not matter how great your product or service is, if nobody knows about it, you will not be in business for very long.  It is for this reason that companies dedicate a significant part of their revenue every quarter to Advertising.  Traditional mediums like television and … Continue reading

Spying! A database of all our conversation is being created? I am talking to you Shazam :)

You know with all the hullabaloo around Edward Snowden and the US government Spying on our phone records, you would think that spying is a brand new issue in the world!  uhhmmm No 🙂 At Smile and Mobile we already told you how there are a number of ways already in existence that can facilitate … Continue reading


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